Teddies flight

New and exciting quiet book

This week I have been working with a very talented lady who makes quiet books in German and English, Claudia Winkler.
This project is an interactive book with 10 pages and lots of activities to play and learn.

Teddy’s flight

Claudia has allowed me to re produce her book for machine embroidery. However, due to hoop size, the book I will be creating will be slightly smaller to fit an 8×8 hoop.

With this book Teddy checks in at the airport, goes through security, passport control, visits the pilot in the cockpit, sit with Teddy in his seat on the plane while he reads his book, looks out the window from the plan to see the runway an flight tower, puts his eye mask on and when he gets off the plan, collects his luggage from the baggage claim.

This is an exciting project for me to work on, some pages have 2 and more hoopings to complete a page, so far  there 23 hoopings

Check out Claudia’s page, link below and ride along with Teddy. Currently, the instructions are only in German, however, when I have finished digitising the files, test stitched them out I will be assisting Claudia with an English translation and SVG files. There will be SVG files to suit an 8×8 and 8×10 book.



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