Teddies flight 8x8 quiet book pages - ITHWL

Stitchout Saturday 1st December 2018

Unfortunately, there is no Stitch out Saturday this week as we have had visitors and we are going out, so I thought I would share a little bit on how I have created the files for Teddies flight.
1 Firstly, I had to have line drawings to be able to create the designs.
2 I had to import the line drawings from the PDF into a drawing package to produce SVG files.
3 I opened the files in Inkscape, a free program un grouped
4 converted the line drawings to SVG files and saved them
5 Imported the SVG files into Embrilliance, my embroidery software.
6 Cleaned up the line drawings as there are a lot of words, double lines and black dots from the PDF
7 Planned the pages and placement of all of the little shapes to ensure the correct layout, eg, from the bottom to the top
8 Digitised every shape for each page, making sure double sided pieces had both sides
9 Assigned colours,
10 ensured the objects were all going to line up
11 Some pages had multi hoopings, which means I create 1 part of the page in 1 hoop, stitch it out and then attach it to another page in the next hooping.
12 When I have finished creating all of the designs for the pages, I then create new SVG files to suit the embroidery hoop size.
These are just some of the photos of the stitching files I have created to make the book.
As you can see, creating an embroidery stitch file is not as simple as bringing in a drawing and making it ready to stitch.
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