R&D Friday - Days to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas
Finally getting back into sewing again after a couple of weeks being under the weather, and my machine decides to play up.
I am working on a countdown to Christmas hanger, a little like an advent calendar without the lollies and goodies.
Unfortunately, when stitching out sometimes, you have to change the process or design, in this case, I wanted to be able to use velcro to add the numbers for counting and the additional felties for the corner of the countdown.
I am also using the felties that I am making for the conical Christmas tree.
I love being able to multi purpose things and I thought this was a brilliant way of doing that.
The top page will be the page that has the numbers added to it along with a feltie to be changed each day.
This is just a few of the felties I have worked on.
R&D Friday - Days to Christmas R&D Friday - Days to Christmas
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